Circle of World Arts 501 c3


Circle of World Arts, Inc.  is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.  
Your contribution is tax-deductible as allowable by law.

Circle of World Arts would like to thank the people who have donated so generously and are really touched by your ongoing support. Our first 10 years was about exploration and now it is time for action! As we expand, your help is more important than ever.

We continue teaching through our outreach programs for the at-risk community and have launched our performance dance company and dance school and performance company, Arabesque Dance Theatre and Academy. Through your generous donations, we have now expanded our operations through collaborating with our sister school, LA Bellydance Academy and the Adam Basma Folk Dance Company based on the West Coast. We are now also able to grow our classes, thanks to your ongoing support. January 2017 will see additional faculty and the debut of our classes for children and teens!

Our mission is to train students to perform and choreograph at a high level through instruction of strong technique, professional instruction, and by promoting the teaching of dance as an expressive traditional art and by transforming cultural divides through dance and music.

We are also committed to bringing outstanding dancers from around the globe to teach workshops and perform.

Your donation does not have to be a large amount of money for your generosity to be felt! Any amount will help us and the community!

All donations are Tax deductible!

Thank you so much!


Circle of World Arts 501(c)3

Arabesque Dance Academy
Arabesque Dance Theatre
Lecture Demos

Community Outreach

The mission of Circle of World Arts has been to teach individuals some of the tools necessary to achieve personal peace and lessen the probability of conflict through group cultural efforts based on dance, movement, artistic expression, and sports.

Because when people who live on opposite sides of cultural divides collaborate and connect, everyone prospers.

Our goal is to provide the community with the arts with beauty and to transform people's lives with self-confidence, leadership skills, and empathy.


Marilyn Cooley - WETA On-Air Host and Producer
JR Glover - Director of Education at Jacob’s Pillow
Edward C. Green, PhD – Medical Anthropologist and Senior Research Scientist, Harvard University
Kathy Lewis - Entrepreneur

Suzie McLaughlin – Artist

Laura Possessky, Esq. – Attorney, Gura and Possessky PLLC, and President of Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts

Polly Wang – Financial Systems Analyst, Towers Watson 


Peter Wolk, Esq. - Founder and President of National Center for Non-Profit Law